Notifications ensure you’re informed about critical updates and actions in Upflow. You can tailor these settings to your preferences.
Managing Notifications
Types of Notifications
- Email Notifications: Receive alerts in your inbox for important events, such as overdue invoices or assigned actions.
- In-App Notifications: Get updates directly within Upflow for real-time alerts on your dashboard.
- Slack Notifications: Receive updates in a dedicated Upflow Slack channel.
Choose your preferred channel(s) for each notification.
What notifications do I need?
Name | Can it be disabled | Description | Frequency | Recipients |
Weekly Updates | 🟢 | Every week, on Monday, mention the amount collected last week and the number of actions performed for an organization. | Weekly Mondays | All users |
Actions to perform | 🟢 | Every week, on Tuesday, mention the number of actions to do for each user. | Weekly Tuesdays | All users included in the workflow |
Mention | 🟢 | You have been mentioned in customer or invoice notes by team members. | When triggered | Mentionned User |
Promise to pay | 🟢 | A customer has made or updated a promise to pay. | When triggered |
Assigned user Financer users |
Invoice dispute | 🟢 | A customer has made or updated dispute information. | When triggered | Assigned user |
Email failed to be delivered - Invalid email |
🟢 | Email could not be sent to recipient(s). | When triggered | Action Owners |
Email reply | 🟢 | When a reply is imported in the timeline, if it’s coming from an action, we notify the action sender. | When triggered | Action Owners |
Letter delivery failure | 🟢 | A letter you sent could not be delivered. | When notified by our provider | Action Owners |
Letter delivery success | 🟢 | A registered letter you sent has been received. | When notified by our provider | Action Owners |
Autopay | 🟢 | Updates on Autopay processing. | When triggered | Assigned user or Finance users |
Data import status | 🟢 | File import is finished. | When triggered | User who performed the import |
Any additional questions on the Profile section or notifications? Submit your request at the top of the screen!