Would you like to dismiss an action that was planned for today and do it later?
In the Actions tab, click on the "Pause" button and indicate the date at which you would like to have it planned.
Please note that pausing the collection is at the customer level and isn't action specific.
The action will only appear again on the date you've paused it until.
For example: If you spoke to your customer earlier during the week and he mentioned the payment will be done by the end of the month, you can pause the actions he’s linked to and will be reminded on the first monday of the month.
📍 Upflow pauses the customer's collection at the beginning of the day UTC. In the platform, if the collection is paused until 1st of July, we guarantee that no actions will be sent for that customer before the 30th of June included. Please, take the timezone you specified in your Settings into consideration.
If the collection is supposed to restart on a Friday, we advise you to push it till the following Monday.
Have any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us!