If, in spite of your written reminders and phone calls, a customer still hasn’t paid you, it might be time to send a Past due notice. Among the existing communication channels you can pick on Upflow, you will find letters (regular or registered).
❗This is a paying feature. If you use it, you will be charged additional fees at the end of the month.
Brand and personalize your communications
Upload the logo you want displayed on your letters from the Company section of your Settings. You can also add a footer to your reminders from the Letters section of the same tab.
These elements will systematically appear on any communication sent out by postal mail.
Now moving to the stage(s) of your Workflow where you want to send a letter. Select your preferred option (registered or not) and configure it(them) as you would any other action: define an owner, set a trigger date, write down the appropriate content…and save!
👉 Letters can be sent out of the blue (not as part of a workflow) as well!
Now what?
Letters will not be sent automatically, allowing their owner(s) to review them—tags, the recipient—prior to sending. They will appear on the Actions list view come their completion date.
From there, they will be able to edit the content and pick a recipient among your customer’s contacts or create a new one on the fly. It is also possible to attach a file. Select any of the customer’s due/overdue invoice(s) or upload a document from your computer (limited to 25 Mo).
If you changed your mind, you can update the type for another channel, skip the action or pause your customer's collection to pick it up later.
Happy with the result? Click on Preview and send for a last peek. The attached file(s) are not part of the preview but will be sent out.
Eventually click on Preview & Send, review and validate the document, and track your mail on your customer’s timeline!