Do you want to ensure your customers receive their invoices? Do you want the full context before sending another invoice? Do you need to send the invoice to a specific contact? Send your invoices via Upflow today to get this.
How to configure Send invoices using Upflow?
To activate Send invoices using Upflow, you must head to your settings and switch the toggle.
Once activated, any new invoice imported in Upflow will be considered UNSENT without regard to your accounting/billing software status. Additionally, if you are in test mode, no communication will be sent.
An UNSENT invoice is not considered in your analytics, the collections reminders, or the portal.
To avoid double-sending invoices, please deactivate the sending in your billing software system.
You can see all your UNSENT invoices in the invoice list view.
Once activated, you should configure the sending templates in the workflow section. There you can decide if the sending should be automated or not. Who will receive the invoice, and what the email should say. Each email will include the invoice pdf as an attachment.
If automated, you can define a delay after the issue date for sending the invoice; by default, it is 0 days. You will also be able to specify who the sender should be.
Sending invoices
Automatic billing
If you went with automatic billing, it will be triggered depending on the time the invoice is imported into Upflow:
before 6.30 am UTC → sent on the same day
after 6.30 am UTC → sent the next weekday
If several invoices are for the same contact, they will receive one email per invoice.
If there is no contact for an invoice, it will remain UNSENT and be available in your invoice list view.
If an UNSENT invoice is already paid (e.g., autopay), we will still send the invoice to your customer so they can update their accounting.
Manual billing
If you decide to send those invoices manually, they will be sent after you hit the send invoice on the invoice details page, or you mass send several invoices from the list view.
From the invoice details page
From the invoice list view
If you have already sent the invoice via another channel, mark it as sent. This way, the invoice will be considered for the analytics and the collection.
You can always resend an invoice to your customers via the invoice details page if necessary.
Parent & child customer invoices
When you have parent and child customers, we will send the invoice from the customer it's assigned to. Thus, we use the parent or the child workflow billing template.
Sending paid invoices
If an invoice is imported but already paid (e.g. autopay), we will still send the invoice to your customers so they have the PDF available for their accounting.
Looking at invoice delivery
Any invoice sent via Upflow will appear in your invoice and customer timeline. Making it easy for you to spot any delivery issues.
How to stop sending invoices from Upflow?
If you want to deactivate the feature, ensure no invoice is left to send and deactivate the feature in your Settings. From now on, all imported invoices will be included in your analytics and collection.
Do you have questions? Contact our Support team!