Cash collection can involve many teams at different levels: Finance and Accounting departments, Sales and Account Management, and even C-levels.
Different teams are likely to use different tools ; and will not be tracking Upflow if they only need to pop in occasionally. Make sure they do not miss any information and are involved at the right moment using our @mention feature!
In short, it allows you to ping another member of your Upflow platform without switching to another tool, and keep everything (including internal conversations) logged on your customer’s timeline!
How does it work and what does it look like?
The magic starts in your customer timeline. As long as the teammate you want to loop in or ask to intervene has an Upflow account, you can tag them, by clicking on Add note
at your customer level
at an invoice level
Your mentioned team members will then be notified
in app, systematically
by e-mail, if the notifications are not disabled
via slack, if the integration is enabled
❗ You can edit a note with an @mention. However it will not retroactively trigger a notification. Better safe than sorry, if you need to get somebody’s attention, just add a second note!