With our Actions graph from your Analytics tab, you can follow more closely performed actions month by month:
Action type: manual or automatic emails, calls, simple or registered letters;
How many;
Evolution over the last 12 months;
↪️ Actions performed over the last 12 months by a specific Account Manager.
This feature helps you to:
See the time saved by these actions on your collection process;
Monitor the activity of the team as financial manager or monitor own performance;
Have a quick overview of the distribution of each action by type, especially for automatic actions;
Improve your workflows thanks to precise data.
Do you want to see the number and type of actions performed by one or more account managers? A specific workflow? Other criteria? It's possible!
Find out more in our detailed FAQ article: Filtering and exporting analytics. 🎉*
↪️ Actions performed over the last 12 months according to a specific workflow.
Any questions, suggestions? Get in touch!